Sabka Saath: PM Modi welcomes African Union to G20 - Neuzboy

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sabka Saath: PM Modi welcomes African Union to G20


The G20 Summit of 2023 was a landmark event where global leaders converged to discuss pressing issues, fostering collaboration and solidarity. Amidst this backdrop, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India extended a warm and inclusive welcome to the African Union, reinforcing the spirit of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas" (Together with All, Development for All). This historic moment marked a significant step towards strengthening India's ties with Africa and promoting a united approach to address the world's most critical challenges.

The Significance of the G20 Summit

The G20 Summit, a forum of major economies, serves as a platform for leaders to deliberate on issues affecting the global economy, sustainable development, and international cooperation. This year's summit held even greater importance as nations sought to recover from the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Inclusivity of "Sabka Saath"

At the heart of Prime Minister Modi's welcoming message to the African Union was the guiding principle of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas." This philosophy emphasizes the collective growth and prosperity of all nations, fostering an environment of cooperation, inclusivity, and shared progress. It aligns perfectly with the spirit of international collaboration that the G20 represents.

Strengthening India-Africa Ties

Prime Minister Modi's outreach to the African Union reaffirmed India's commitment to deepening its relationship with the African continent. Historically, India and Africa have shared strong cultural, economic, and political ties. By extending a hand of friendship and partnership at the G20 Summit, India demonstrated its dedication to further enhancing these bonds.

A United Approach to Global Challenges

The G20 Summit provides a platform to address global challenges, and the inclusion of the African Union strengthens the collective resolve to tackle pressing issues. Whether it be climate change, health crises, economic recovery, or sustainable development, a united approach is crucial. Prime Minister Modi's welcome speech emphasized the need for all nations to work together to find innovative solutions to these challenges.

Economic Cooperation and Investment

One of the key areas of discussion between India and the African Union at the G20 Summit was economic cooperation and investment. India has shown a keen interest in bolstering trade relations with African nations, fostering economic growth, and contributing to the development of the continent.

Promoting Sustainable Development

Sustainable development was a central theme of the G20 Summit, and Prime Minister Modi's address highlighted India's commitment to supporting African nations in their pursuit of sustainable growth. This includes cooperation in areas such as renewable energy, agriculture, healthcare, and education.

The Role of Technology and Innovation

In a rapidly evolving world, technology and innovation are essential drivers of progress. Prime Minister Modi stressed the importance of sharing technological advancements and promoting innovation partnerships between India and African countries.


Prime Minister Modi's warm welcome to the African Union at the G20 Summit encapsulated the essence of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas." It underscored India's commitment to working hand in hand with African nations for mutual growth, prosperity, and a better world for all. As the G20 Summit concluded, the collective resolve of nations to address global challenges and promote sustainable development was stronger than ever.

The coming years hold immense potential for India-Africa collaboration, as both regions continue to work together towards a future of shared prosperity. The inclusive spirit demonstrated at the G20 Summit serves as a testament to the power of unity and cooperation in the face of complex global challenges.

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